Disconnect from Reality

There's something I can't get my head around. I'm sure most science communicators are already aware of this, but I'll write this anyway. This is for the antivaxers. The anti-vaccine crowd rail against the pharmaceutical companies and claim things like these charming Guy-Fawkes-mask-wearing-woke individuals pictured here. The bullshit claim that Big Pharma doesn't care about us, they just want to make money. The same could be said about most companies really. All companies want to make money. But, these pharmaceutical companies market and distribute effective cures and preventive measures against so many things. From vaccines to antidepressants to statins, we have such an impressive range of medications that it's hard to believe that you, the anti-vaccine crowd, can really feel this way. This shows such a disconnect from reality, it's shocking and sad. Even stranger still, you claim that vaccines are not tested enough. This is an outright lie. ...