Science Denial Imports

How Billy TK plunged down the Covid conspiracy rabbit hole Q-Anon has found its way to Aotearoa. arguably, it has been here much longer than most people have noticed. But it is here now. It has cropped up in lockdown protests. It pops up in live Facebook videos, comment sections all over social media. We even have a political hopeful who appears to be a Q devotee (cultist). So, what the fuck is QAnon? QAnon is a conspiracy theory held mostly by, and started by, conservative Americans. An anonymous user who called themselves 'Q' claimed they were on the inside of the Trump administration and had important information about how Trump was working from the inside to take down the elites. The elites are all part of a cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles who trap children underground and have sex with them and harvest their blood and adrenochrome so that the elites can get high off it. Their belief is that Trump is going to save them. It sounds like the sort of thing you would u...