
Vaping Most people now know that smoking is pretty bad for you. The science has been clear on that for quite some time now (Eysenck, 2000; Ambrose & Barua, 2004). What with the emphysema, cancers, heart disease and all of that stuff. E-cigarettes (ECs) and vaping is an alternative that has been around since 2004, and have shown to be a significant decrease in health risks and a proven cessation method. Vaping at a glance Vaping, for those unfamiliar with the practice, isn't smoke. A user inhales vapour through a device that produces the vapour. It's an aerosol created by heating up the e-liquid inside the device. The e-liquid is much safer than tobacco smoking, with a much smaller list of chemicals, mainly a mixture of vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol, flavourings and the optional nicotine. The nicotine can be added anywhere from 0mg up to 18mg (DIY juices can be higher). There is a myriad of flavours to choose fro...