
Science Denial Imports

How Billy TK plunged down the Covid conspiracy rabbit hole Q-Anon has found its way to Aotearoa. arguably, it has been here much longer than most people have noticed. But it is here now. It has cropped up in lockdown protests. It pops up in live Facebook videos, comment sections all over social media. We even have a political hopeful who appears to be a Q devotee (cultist).  So, what the fuck is QAnon? QAnon is a conspiracy theory held mostly by, and started by, conservative Americans. An anonymous user who called themselves 'Q' claimed they were on the inside of the Trump administration and had important information about how Trump was working from the inside to take down the elites. The elites are all part of a cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles who trap children underground and have sex with them and harvest their blood and adrenochrome so that the elites can get high off it. Their belief is that Trump is going to save them.  It sounds like the sort of thing you would u...

2019 Health Threat

2019 Health Threat Some of us may remember earlier in the year, when the World Health Organisation named Vaccine Hesitancy amongst the  Top 10 Health Threats of 2019 . Antivaxers took this as a joke. As a challenge. The #2019HealthThreat hashtag took off amongst the sociopaths of social  media. Some even made t-shirts with the label on it (Heather "Pointless Poll Every Week" Simpson). They took it and ran with it for a while. Measles has killed over 5000 people this year I don't know if they're still laughing after the year that Measles has had. I'm at a loss to try and figure out that their aim is.  5000 deaths world wide from measles is not a joke to me. The World Health Organisation knew what they were talking about. A post made by Edwin Tamasese in 2018 in an antivax group. Taylor and RFK together in Samoa At time of writing, there have been 55 deaths in Samoa from Measles and over 3000 cases . Antivaxers are not f...

Measles Outbreaks

Measles outbreaks in New Zealand and What That Means For You Unless you've been living under a rock, you will be aware of measles cases across New Zealand, in Canterbury, Waikato, Bay of Plenty and Auckland. Cases have been detected in Wellington, and Lakes, Northland as well. The rates are alarming, with a large number of the infected being unvaccinated, 86%, including children under the age of 15 months (the age at which the first MMR shot is given).  ESR Report: Week 19 May 4 - May 19 Let's talk about what Measles is, what these numbers mean, try to dispel some myths, and why you should get vaccinated.  What is Measles? Measles is caused by the Measles virus. Symptoms, as described by the Ministry of Health , include a fever, cough, runny nose, sore/watery eyes and the characteristic red rash, with white (Koplik spots). Complications can be serious and 1 in 10 infected will need hospitalisation. The complications can include ear infections (which ca...

We Need Mandatory Vaccination Now.

  Mandatory Vaccination Courtesy of Cartoons By Kristin Death threats, outbreaks, denial and pseudoscience Introduction High rates of vaccination are important for a safe, happy and healthy society. When these decisions are left up to personal choice, however, misinformation, emotions, and misled opinions abound. Providing facts and studies is not enough anymore. Too many people distrust science and don’t possess the ability to understand it, or simply don’t believe the experts. This has lead to a drop in vaccination rates and consequently, outbreaks. I recommend mandatory vaccination as the right course of action. Mandatory does not mean forced. There is still a choice. If the mandates suggested here are upsetting to you, the solution is easy; vaccinate your children . I’m proposing that vaccination becomes mandatory for those seeking to enrol their children into 1. Public School 2. Daycare/Kindergarten facilities 3. Doctor and hospital admission Full im...